Thursday, February 21, 2013


Birthday Tribute: Nina Simone

Happy 80th Birthday to the High Priestess of Soul, Ms. Nina Simone. Thank you for the musical legacy you left behind. Thank you for using your music to criticize the injustices you saw in society.  

Most of all, I am grateful for your incomparable voice that carried in its beautiful tone the pain and lament of your ancestors and your own. A voice that you later used to become a beacon for the civil rights movement. 

Your piano playing was graceful and tender at times and sometimes tumultuous just like the era you were living under. Each note being delivered with urgency and contempt, demanding attention and respect. 

Your lyrics were mirrors you held up to a world that was backwards and every now and then we can also hear your own reflection in these mirrored lyrics. Many of your lyrics are still poignant and relevant to this day as there is a lot injustice in the world but your music is part of the soundtrack in our lives that makes this reality bearable and reminds many of us to fight for what you believe in.

Thank you and Happy Birthday!

Below is a video tribute to Nina Simone's legacy:        

Below is a documentary on Nina Simone: 

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