Monday, January 28, 2013


My latest Q & A - Raul y Mexia

Excerpt from my phone interview with the duo that was published in Remezcla:

Sons to Hernán Hernández, one of the key members of Mexico’s biggest norteño groups Los Tigres Del Norte, brothers Raul y Mexia have been touted as one of the Latin music acts to pay attention to in 2013. I did a phone interview with them right before the release of their first single “Las Escondidas” from their upcoming and highly anticipated debut album Arriba y Lejos. They shared stories of breaking into the industry at their own accord, about what life was like for them growing up, and how it has led them to the new musical venture they are embarking together. They lead to shift away from the shadow of their dad’s group to cement their own bicultural sound that others could relate to.

I heard the album and I noticed that you steered away from political content, was this a conscious effort or your behalf to not get categorized as a political group?

M: We did record a couple songs that unfortunately did not make the album. We wanted to stay away from that a little bit since we had already done that with “Todos Somos Arizona.” With this project, we really wanted to hit the pop market and make it a mainstream thing if possible, and so the idea was to do something bigger than what we did.

You can read the rest of the interview here:

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