Monday, March 11, 2013


My latest for Remezcla: Maria y José

Ever heard of Ruidosón?
Meet and listen to María y José, the king of ruidosón & learn about the cultural phenenomenon coming out of Tijuana.
Below is an excerpt of my article published in Remezcla on3/11/13
Ruidosón is a cultural phenomenon that has taken over Tijuana and it can’t be mentioned without people associating it with Tony Gallardo aka Maria y José who has been at the forefront of this groundbreaking genre. Some of its creators go as far as describing it as a way of life rather than a genre. It picks up where Nortec left off.

Ruidosón is rooted in the dark sensibilities and noise of the modern city. It samples the sonic influences of yesteryear and melds it with the contemporary experiences and circumstances that many live in Tijuana. It is noisy, big bass beats and dance rhythms that were birthed by a new generation from the sinister bloodshed that has plagued the country for years. In a way, it could be said that ruidosón is a response to the violence and a way to cathartically release the frustration that many feel but don’t know how to express. It is a collision of cultures that explodes through the speakers rather than through weapons.

Click on the link below to read the rest & hear the new single, Ultra:

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