Monday, January 7, 2013


Recommendation: Jorge Drexler's geeky music App

I wrote about this awesome super nerdy app for Remezcla and I highly recommend you download it. 
It's available in many formats and best of all it is totally free on his website. 
Below is an excerpt from my Remezcla article published January 7th, 2012:
Recently, more artists have begun using applications in innovative ways that enables them to add features and additional depth to their songs. By using modern technology that is readily available to many of us with devices such as tablets and smartphones, it allows the artists to explore undiscovered territories that makes the listener’s experience a more personal, unique, and interactive one. Most notably was Björk’s Biophilia which was the “first app album” ever where each song had its own application that provided interactive material pertinent to the song’s title or inspiration. Now being added to this expanding roster is the Uruguayan Academy Award-winning singer-songwriter, Jorge Drexler. Music geeks and nerdy music lovers will rejoice!
Drexler recently teamed up with Samsung to release an application called n. The app is named “n” since in mathematics, it is the symbol for a series of natural numbers that can offer multiple solutions to an equation, and that was partly Drexler’s inspiration for this app. The app features three compositions that were specifically written for this interactive project that Drexler refers to as “aplicanciones” (application + songs).

You can read the whole article here:

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